Our vision is to increase happiness and improve mental health and wellbeing at home, in the community and in the workplace around the world.
We do this through a variety of projects and initiatives:-
1. Global Happy Cafe

Join us for a free monthly online zoom meeting with guest speakers giving tips and advice about personal happiness, mental health and wellbeing.
Logon at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88302360790?pwd=eWdYd01kSHB4bktZNzN3T1BzZnIrUT09
See BBC news item featuring our Global Happy Cafe meeting that celebrated the UN International Day of Happiness and launch of the World Happiness Report in 2021.
Visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvEC0uO8OPU&t=10s
2. TV Series about Happiness and Wellbeing
Our plans are well advanced for a major television series and online video stream about what makes us happy and how we can achieve happiness in life and at work. See a short video introduction:
Our aim is to create a major new television series and global video stream about what makes people happy around the world and to demonstrate how we can all adopt measures to increase our happiness, strengthen our mental health and improve our wellbeing. Featuring interviews and discussions with international politicians, academic experts and famous celebrities as well as people known for their happy disposition. We answer the question: What makes us happy and how can we bring more happiness into our lives?
3. Happy Cafes for the NHS in Dorset

A series of online Happy Cafes for NHS staff across Dorset. These informal sessions aimed at 50,000+ staff working in the health and care sector and local councils enabled people to share their happiness and wellbeing experiences in a fun, informative and inspirational way.

We created a special partnership to launch the UK’s first National Happiness and Wellbeing Conference with the theme: UK HAPPY PEOPLE-PLACES-PLANET. Working with Bournemouth University and the BCP Council, the event was due to take place in April 2020 but was unfortunately postponed due to the Corona virus pandemic. It was aimed at the general public as well as professionals working in the Healthcare, Education, Social Care, Public Service and Local Government sector and people from businesses and industry interested in improving wellbeing in the workplace.

The American Declaration of Independence affirmed the unalienable human right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We believe one of the principal roles of government is to maintain the happiness and wellbeing of its people. In support of this, we launched an online Media Briefing Forum calling upon the media to help explain the importance of happiness and wellbeing in society following the global coronavirus pandemic. People need to be reminded what government is for and politicians of all persuasions need to be encouraged to recognise the value of creating a happy society.
6. Visualising Happiness
A new visual concept that touches upon all aspects of happiness and wellbeing, including philosophy, religious influence, history and importance, as well as illustrating practical methods of achieving happiness in our everyday lives based on the Action for Happiness – Ten keys to happier living :-