Here are six practical things that you can do, starting NOW:

Realise that it’s not about money, chasing after that won’t make you happy, even if you get it. The price you pay will outweigh the increase in happiness that you get.– friends: make a list and do an audit and resolve to spend more time with the best ones and less time with the ones you drag you down or make you feel inferior
Goals – have at least one project you’re working on, it feels good to be moving towards something worthwhile
Get rid of negative emotions, you are choosing them in order to get a payoff of some kind and it’ll be false, they never make you happy
Find a way to enjoy your job, or find a job you enjoy. Life is too short to spend 5 days week on something that doesn’t make you happy
Spend time on the things that make you happy, which means saying no to the things that don’t. Start an NCP, a No Crap Policy, today! It’s YOUR life and you only get one!
Buy an actual magnet for your fridge: information on each of these is here:.
Money – video explaining why it’s not a good idea to chase after money description of what I have found in the last 60 years:
Audit FriendsAnd add some really good ones to help you be successful in life:
GoalsSome thoughts on goals hereWhy they are VITAL! – self discipline comes from: you want help, I have a five year plan for you for only £39
Negative emotionsHow to get rid of them – to say when you talk to yourself:
Enjoy your job:The six career strategies you could take – my free and fun quiz to find out how your’e doing at the moment – which ‘animal’ are you??
Timemore information here – the Turnip of Time is here the Turnip and the Magnet are in my book of Management Vegetables – only £3 on kindle!
Further reading – my Big Book of Happiness: it’s only £3.50 on kindle (you can use the free kindle app to read kindle books on your phone)
Daily tips every year for ever, in a nice chunky book – here:
Why happiness is difficult: article here:
And finally my playlist of music that is happy but also good
..onwards and upwards!