
We welcomed Belinda O’Neill, experienced international speaker and Community Ambassador from Northern Ireland and founder of “Be Inspired To Be” with over 170.000 social media followers worldwide to talk about her journey of Inspiration and read some of her poems and happiness tips. Here’s the link to the recording https://www.dropbox.com/s/muom3g32901ajx7/happy%20cafe%20July%202022%20Belinda.mp4?dl=0

At our meeting on 1st June, we were pleased to welcome a number of new subscribers from around the world. The speaker this month was co-founder Chris Croft, who talked about the 5 Biggest Happiness Mistakes. You can view a recording of the meeting at: https://www.dropbox.com/…/June%202022%20Chris%20on…
Our meeting on May 1st was one of our best yet. Hazel Farrer, who runs the Mindful-Nature Connection from Portugal talked about her online mindfulness courses and mindful nature experiences that have been designed to renew and re-vitalise our connection to the natural world and bring about a range of physical, emotional and mental benefits. We were then joined by Martyn Underhill, former Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset, who talked about the importance of tackling mental health issues in the community.

You can view a recording of the meeting at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s1zlssipz68c2sf/happy%20cafe%20May%202022%20Hazel%20and%20Martyn.mp4?dl=0

At our Global Happy Café meeting on Saturday 2nd April we heard from our guest speaker, Professor John Helliwell, Editor of The World Happiness Report talking about this year’s edition summarising the past decade. There was also a report on Ukraine and the series of Happy Cafes that we are launching for the NHS Dorset HealthCare staff wellbeing project. In addition, we discussed what made our audience happy during the past month and presented the Action for Happiness calendar for April.
you can download a recording via the following link:-https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vc74sqq4qebii2/cafe%202%20April%202022.mp4?dl=0

March 20th is the United Nations International Day of Happiness.
The world is facing unprecedented challenges but happiness and wellbeing matter more than ever. In 2022, the World Happiness Report, informs that following COVID, people are re-evaluating their lives and increasingly value wellbeing and social connection.
With the ongoing war in Ukraine, where people are fighting for their freedom, we are reminded of our basic human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Across Europe we see examples of people showing kindness and gratitude from fellow human beings caught up in the war.
On this International Day of Happiness we are pleased to be doing our bit to help build a more compassionate world, wherever we are. There are three things we can do:
So join us at our Global Happy Café meeting on Saturday 2nd April to hear Professor John Helliwell Editor of the World Happiness Report talking about this year’s edition.
There will also be a brief report on the new series of Happy Cafes that we are trialling for the NHS Dorset HealthCare – ‘Here for Each Other’ staff wellbeing project.

If you missed our latest Global Happy Cafe meeting on 1st March you can download a recording via the link below. Emily Coxhead, Editor of The Happy Newspaper spoke about the success of her publication and Victor Perton joined us from Melbourne, Australia and talked about the Centre for Optimism. We also heard a prayer for the people of Ukraine by Paola Brown our Ambassador in Austria plus an inspirational meditation from Julia Seibold in Germany.
To view a recording of the meeting see: https://www.dropbox.com/…/Happy%20caf%C3%A9%20march…#worldhappinessproject#globalhappycafe#happinesss

At our global happy cafe meeting on 1st February we heard from Jon Sloper about Help and Kindness in Dorset – a co-ordinated community response to Covid-19 which was followed by a fascinating presentation from our Happiness Ambassador, Tahani Mohammed about happiness in her home country of Libya in North Africa. We also discussed what made us happy during the previous month and presented the Action for Happiness calendar for Friendly February.

From India, our local Happiness ambassador, Vibha told us about her inspirational Gratitude Joyshops and from the UK Kerry gave us an unique meditation for the New Year. We also shared what made our global audience happy during the past month and presented the new Action for Happiness calendar for January 2022.

Our guest speaker Dr. Emilia Bunea, international leadership scholar and educator talked about her research into happiness and leadership and introduced a trailer for her latest movie “Crossroads Life” which was awarded a prize for the best business education film at the Helsinki Education Film Festival.
Online Media Briefing Forum 18th November
The American Declaration of Independence affirmed the unalienable human right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. One of the principal roles of government is to maintain the happiness and wellbeing of its people.
In support of this ideal, we launched an online Media Briefing Forum and called upon the UK media to help explain the importance of happiness and wellbeing in society following the global coronavirus pandemic. People need to be reminded what government is for and politicians need to be encouraged to recognise the value of maintaining a happy population.
Agenda for online meeting on Thursday 18th November
Introduction and Welcome – Gerry Clarke, Director, World Happiness Project
Happiness and Wellbeing – a question of morals and ethics – Lord Richard Layard
A Practical Guide to Happiness – Chris Croft, Director, World Happiness Project
Wellbeing in the Workplace – the benefits of a happy and productive workforce – Lord Gus O’Donnell
US Perspective – American Declaration of Independence – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – US Philosopher, Tom Morris
The Future of Happiness in Society – a global view – Sir Anthony Seldon
Given the success of the World Happiness Project over the past couple of years, we believe that a special PR event aimed at the media and highlighting the importance of happiness and wellbeing in society would have a positive impact, encouraging influential journalists and people from all walks of life, all religions and ethnic backgrounds to consider the quality of their lives following the coronavirus pandemic and engage in a worthwhile discussion and debate about the future of our society in the UK.
UK journalists, news editors and broadcast media people were invited to join us at 11am on November 18th
Highlights of the Media Briefing Forum are available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/g9oselti1zcnum2/Media%20Briefing%20Forum%20REVISED.mp4?dl=0
Visualising Happiness
The World Happiness Project’s vision is to increase happiness and improve mental health and wellbeing at home, in the community and in the workplace.
Since the launch of our online Global Happy Café at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, we have successfully established a series of online meetings to discuss happiness and wellbeing. Over the past twelve months we have recorded presentations and interviews with dozens of people including influential academics, authors, artists, celebrities, businessmen, politicians and leaders of the world happiness movement.
We are now creating an innovative new video stream that visualises happiness and wellbeing around the world entitled: “The Happy Files”
We are assembling a series of moving images visualising what makes people happy. The video material reflects what makes us happy and features subjects such as beauty, gratitude, kindness, hope and humour as well as illustrating the Action for Happiness Ten Keys to Happier Living. Topics include Giving, Relating to family and friends and doing things for others, Exercising and taking care of our bodies, Awareness and mindfulness and Trying out new things, Direction, Resilience, Emotions, Appreciation of art and nature, learning new skills and being part of something bigger and discovering a Meaning and purpose to Life. Creative content is based on our Global Happy Café Chat box.
You can submit your 2 minute video visualising what makes you happy direct to us by email. Please forward to gerry@worldhappinessTVproject.org
Canadian explorer Andree-Anne Le Blanc talked about global Adventure MAP, Ruth Davey introduced Look Again – a new visual therapy to improve mental health and wellbeing, and two of our Happiness Ambassadors, Jeannie An and Sandra Rakovac presented a story about Happiness in Canada. Kerry Pocock reviewed the latest book by Isaac and Ora Prilleltensky on “How People Matter.”
1st October: Dr Xing Li, author of a world renowned book on Forest Bathing talked about the Art and Science of Forest Bathing introduced by Toshiko Omonishi our Happiness Ambassador from Japan.
See video of the meeting at:-https://www.dropbox.com/s/94n54waqlba09z5/Happy%20Cafe%20Oct%202021.mp4?dl=0
1st September: Mandy Seligman, wife of renowned US Positive Psychologist Dr Martin Seligman, talking about her new photographic project “Seeing Happy”.
Download a recording at https://www.dropbox.com/s/ug12dxxd8l9504x/Happy%20Cafe%20Sept%202021%20photos%20and%20SriLanka.mp4?dl=0
2nd August: Ian Maskell, CEO Wall’s Ice Cream presents the Walls Happiness Manifesto

Download a recording at https://www.dropbox.com/s/5lkdgvuvesa9pb8/happy%20cafe%20Aug%202021%20ice%20cream%20and%20holland.mp4?dl=0
1st July: Dr Robert Biswas-Diener and Amy Blankson discuss Positive Psychology and the Future of Happiness

Download a recording at https://www.dropbox.com/s/2hkm61j9b95gm55/happy%20cafe%20July%202021.mp4?dl=0
1st June: Building back Happier – A talk by Lord Gus O’Donnell

Download a recording of Lord O’Donnell’s talk at https://www.dropbox.com/s/gx8fh1f71i5hnmt/happy%20cafe%20May%202021.mp4?dl=0
3rd May: Meditation session
Julia Siebold brought us a series of breakout sessions on the Power of Meditation
1st April: Global Happy Cafe Meeting
UK author Helen Russell talked about the Atlas of Happiness and her latest book “How to be Sad” and our newly appointed Ambassador for Bhutan, Dr Sonam Tobgye spoke about Happiness in Bhutan.

See extract from our latest Global Happy Cafe recording:- https://youtu.be/gc7LvoNgOAg
20th March: International Day of Happiness
See a BBC news item about the International Day of Happiness featuring the Global Happy Cafe:-
The International Day of Happiness is an annual event organised by the United Nations to promote the idea that feeling happy is a global human right. Actionforhappiness.org supports and organises the day, with support from other groups. Many of the world’s leading religions and philosophies promote positive emotions as vital for the well-being of mankind. However, the idea of having a dedicated day of observance for the concept is relatively new.
The theme for this year’s International Day of Happiness is ‘Keep Calm. Stay Wise. Be Kind’ and is, of course, in response to the COVID pandemic. As we face an ongoing global crisis together, this year’s International Day of Happiness is a chance to find uplifting and positive ways to look after ourselves – and one another. Exploring the theme further, Action for Happiness suggests:
Keep calm. There are lots of things outside our control. Let’s remember to breathe and focus on what really matters so we can respond constructively.
Stay wise. Making wise choices helps everyone. Let’s choose positive actions that support our well-being and help others to do the same.
Be kind. We’re all in this together, even when we’re forced apart. Let’s stay connected and reach out to help others who may be in need.1st
At our March Global Happy Cafe meeting, Julia Seibold talked about making friends in new environment and Peter & Pam Keevil presented a summary of their new book, Finding Happiness after Covid-19
BBC South Today record our Global Happy Cafe meeting for a news item to celebrate International Day of Happiness in March. US authors, Suzie and James Pawelski talked about their best selling book “Happy Together” and Lord Richard Layard spoke about our modern society and can we be happier?
January 2021
Here’s wishing everyone a Happy New Year! Our Global Happy Cafe meeting on Friday 1st January, went well and we discussed New Year’s Resolutions and how we can best adhere to them. We also welcomed our guest speaker Jackie Goddard, who talked about Creativity and Happiness.
To download a recording of the Zoom Global Happy Cafe Meeting, go to:-https://www.dropbox.com/s/l2ud6pup03gop8a/happy%20cafe%20Jan%202021.mp4?dl=0
Do drop us a line if you have any further suggestions about content. We look forward to hearing more happy stories from people around the world.
We know that we have created something special with our World Happiness Project and now with over 600+ regular subscribers to our online Global Happy Cafe, we look forward to your continuing support.
You can find a copy of the Action for Happiness Calendar for January at:- https://www.actionforhappiness.org/media/954757/january_2021.jpg
December 2020
Our December Global Happy Cafe meeting was a real Cracker! and turned out to be one of our most interesting and informative meetings this year.
It was particularly memorable since our guest speaker John Helliwell, Editor of the UN World Happiness Report talked about its origins and how people around the world value their lives and activities and gave us some preliminary findings following the current Corona virus pandemic. We have produced a recording of the meeting if you are interested and you’ll find John’s talk from around 27 minutes in via the link:- https://www.dropbox.com/s/8iy5c7lion64s52/happycafeDec2.mp4?dl=0
Also at our meeting, Dulcie gave us a wonderful Moment of Meditation, Layne read a really powerful poem entitled Two Beats Away and Julia talked about the Action for Happiness Do Good December Calendar which is full of suggestions about Acts of Kindness, a topic that is so important to everyone at the present time. Download a copy at:- https://www.actionforhappiness.org/calendars
Our next meeting will be on Friday 1st January, when we will be discussing New Year’s Resolutions and how to keep them and our guest speaker will be Jackie Goddard who will be talking about Creativity.
To join our Zoom Global happy Cafe Meeting, just go to:- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88302360790?pwd=eWdYd01kSHB4bktZNzN3T1BzZnIrUT09
Meeting will start promptly at 7pm GMT, however you are welcome to login slightly earlier if you wish.
Drop us a line if you have any further suggestions about content for 2021. We look forward to hearing more happy stories from people around the world.
With kind regards and Season’s Greetings!
Our November Global Happy Cafe meeting turned out to be our most popular meeting yet, but sadly we had to limit attendance to the first 100 and so a number of people were unable to join us. The good news is we have produced a recording of the meeting and you can now view it via the following link:- https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5t34m7mxml8rkf/Happy%20Cafe%20Nov%202020.mp4?dl=0
The meeting was memorable because Sir Anthony Seldon, founder of Action for Happiness talked candidly about Finding Happiness and the Ten Keys to Happier Living during lockdown and Prof Isaac Prilleltensky from the University of Miami explained why Mattering is no Laughing Matter and using humour and science to become happier and healthier. Julia talked about the Action for Happiness New Ways November Calendar which is full of ideas to try out new things during lockdown. Have a go at trying something new. You can download it at:- See https://www.actionforhappiness.org/calendars
Global Happy Cafe Meeting with Julia Kim, Director Gross National Happiness Project, Bhutan, Positive Psychologist, Lesley Lyle and our Professional singer Rachel More.
Welcome and introduction to this months Global Happy Cafe by Gerry. A moment of Meditation by Julia. Chris interviews Julia Kim about the Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan and what makes the country one of the happiest places to live in the world, talks to Lesley Lyle about the importance of knowing what our strengths are and Rachel More tells us about the Power of Singing.
Here’s a link to a recording of the event.See https://youtu.be/5XJTp5LC6Dk
Global Happy Cafe Meeting with former BBC presenter Sian Williams and our Ambassador from Colombia, Sylvia Ramirez
Welcome and introduction to this months Global Happy Cafe by Gerry. A moment of Meditation by Julia. An introduction to a new piece of software capturing what makes people happy by Chris. A personal reflection on Resilience, one of the Ten Keys to Happier Living by Sian Williams and a presentation from Sylvia Ramirez, our Global Ambassador from Colombia on her new book entitled: The Happiness Manifesto. News stories from around the world reflecting happy traditions & culture. Discussion about the use of Social Media in promoting Happiness from Desiree in The Netherlands. Introduction to this month’s Happiness Calendar: Self-Care September by Julia.
Global Happy Cafe meeting 3rd August with speakers and guests from around the world
Welcome to the World of Happiness. Introduction and welcome by Gerry and the team. A moment of Meditation by Julia. Personal stories of happiness from around the world introduced by Sally. Chris introduces Vibya Sri talking about Gratitude in India and John Magee on Why Kindness Matters and interviews guest speaker:- This month, Vanessa King on the AfH Ten keys for Happier Living. News stories from around the world reflecting happy traditions & culture. News from Netherlands. Interview with Prof Ruut Veenhoven on World Database of Happiness. Introduction to Happiness Calendar and Happiness tip for the month.
Launch of monthly 90-minute online Zoom meeting bringing together people from across the globe to share stories about Happiness and Wellbeing.
Guest speakers include Mark Williamson, CEO of Action for Happiness, Vanessa King on the Ten Keys to happier living, John Magee on Kindness Matters, Vibha Sri on Gratitude, Sian Williams on Resilience, Lord Richard Layard on Can we be Happier? Sir Anthony Seldon on Finding Happiness, Lesley Lyle on Positive Ageing, Professor Isaac Prilleltenski on Mattering and Wellbeing, John Helliwell on The World Happiness Report and various other well known personalities talking about Happiness and Wellbeing.
Our aim is to develop a fellowship of likeminded people from around the world interested in increasing personal happiness and improving mental health and wellbeing, discovering the Action for Happiness Ten Keys to Happier Living and discussing the future of society following the Corona virus pandemic.
Register to attend our free online Global Happy Café meetings at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/global-happy-cafe-tickets-109796911518
Trial meeting of Global HAPPY Cafe aimed developing a fellowship of likeminded people from around the world interested in increasing happiness and improving mental health and wellbeing, discovering the Action for Happiness Ten Keys to Happier Living and discussing the future of society following the Corona virus pandemic.
Introduction of new promotional video featuring Action for Happiness – Ten keys to happier living.
See video at https://youtu.be/IVCxr7JXGVA
Launch new YouTube Channel featuring videos about Happiness and Wellbeing.
See https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPbBkOGte5I-8cfsoPruh2w
HAPPY people places planet conference event postponed due to Coronavirus pandemic and replaced by hour long video stream.
See conference video at https://youtu.be/bf0hSTEiI6E
Kerry Pocock establishes Happiness Book club to review popular book titles.
See https://www.facebook.com/happinessbookclub
PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT: UK’s first National Happiness and Wellbeing Conference postponed.
Following a meeting at Bournemouth University this morning, I am writing to inform you that our HAPPY people, places, planet conference scheduled to take place at Bournemouth University from 17th to 19th April 2020 has been postponed due to the growing concerns related to the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19). This also applies to the music concert on the Saturday evening at St Peter’s Church and our planned day of experiences on the Sunday.
I am sorry that we have had to postpone this, our inaugural event, but we believe it is important to be socially responsible and play our part in delaying the spread of the virus. A number of delegates, speakers and event supporters have expressed concerns about travelling and attending a live event at this time.
However, the good news is that we are planning to produce an online video stream to introduce our conference speakers and invite them to give a brief summary of their talk via the internet on the 18th April. We believe this will help maintain the momentum that has been generated by this event.
I will be in touch again shortly advising you of details of our video stream and I look forward to welcoming you to support our postponed conference event later in the year. Full details will be published as soon as we are able.
I would like to thank you for your understanding, patience and continued support for the UK’s first National Happiness and Wellbeing Conference in Bournemouth.
Gerry Clarke, Conference Director
Celebrating World Happiness Day on March 20th

Friday March 20th is the International Day of Happiness and this year the theme is Happier Together, celebrating our common humanity and focusing on what people have in common rather than what divides us. It is the day when the annual World Happiness Report is published which ranks some 150 countries around the world according to how happy their citizens feel. Most years the UK does not even feature in the top ten!
That is why Gerry Clarke and Chris Croft had a vision to make the UK a happier place and created the World Happiness Project, with the number one priority of increasing happiness in the UK and around the world.
Working with Bournemouth University and the BCP Council, they are launching the UK’s first National Happiness and Wellbeing conference which is scheduled to take place in Bournemouth in April. “Why wouldn’t anyone want to bring more happiness into their life?” say Gerry and Chris. “Everyone wants to be happy and we can all learn some simple steps to enjoying a happier life” As a leading management trainer, Chris has published a Big Book of Happiness which introduces 87 practical ideas to increasing happiness. It’s a happy easy read!
The National Happiness and Wellbeing conference is a three-day event, free to the public and is being held at Bournemouth University from 17th to 19th of April with support from BU and BCP. The event showcases actions and interventions that can increase happiness and improve mental health and well-being in the home, the community and the workplace.
The programme on Friday is for professional people working in the Healthcare, Education, Social Care, Public Service and Local Government sectors and is fully subscribed.
Saturday is for the general public and local businesspeople and features a series of talks on themes related to national and international happiness, mental health and wellbeing. Keynote speaker is Sir Anthony Seldon, author and founder of Action for Happiness Movement. Guest speakers include Dr Paul Litchfield, Chair of What Works Centre for Wellbeing and Lord Richard Layard, editor of the 2020 World Happiness Report who will be asking: “Can we be happier?” In the evening, a charity music concert in aid of Dorset Mind, with an eclectic mix of mind-blowing music featuring the Bournemouth Rock choir, takes place at St Peter’s Church in Bournemouth.
On Sunday, at various locations around the BCP region, a range of experiential activities and taster sessions related to happiness, mindfulness and wellbeing. Including a beach sunrise gathering, a forest bathing experience, meditation, Pilates, laughter yoga, dragon boating, paddle boarding, exploring local wildlife, a cycling adventure with Beryl Bikes and a nature tour round Brownsea Island. Plenty of local activities that illustrate why the BCP region is one of the happiest and healthiest places to live in the UK.
Register and book via: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/happy-people-places-planet-29797082671
Happy Cafe meeting at the Canford Hotel in Poole
Dulcie introduces thoughts for Mindful March to the audience

Life Lessons at The Barbican in London

A visit to The Barbican in London yesterday to attend a Life Lessons event and discovered a host of happy people, books and speakers on the subject of Happiness. We listened to Rev Richard Coles discussing Happiness and Godliness with Richard Dawkins. Chris, Sally and I picked up a couple of books and a few useful ideas to incorporate in our HAPPY people, places, planet conference in April. Don’t forget to register to attend and book a ticket on Eventbrite before they are all sold out!
See https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/happy-people-places-planet-18th-april-tickets-90936490491
January 2020
Press article announcing HAPPY People – Places – Planet event

UK’s 1st National Happiness and Wellbeing Conference to be held in Bournemouth
The World Happiness Project is working with Bournemouth University to launch the UK’s first National Happiness and Wellbeing conference in Bournemouth in April.
HAPPY People-Places-Planet is a free event and takes place over three days from 17th to 19th April. The idea behind the conference is to showcase actions and interventions that can increase happiness and improve mental health and wellbeing in the community and the workplace. It also highlights why the new BCP region is one of the happiest and healthiest places to live in the UK.
Friday 17th APRIL at Bournemouth University Fusion Building is for professional people working in the Healthcare, Education, Social Care, Public Service and Local Government sectors.
Saturday 18th April is aimed at the general public as well as local business and industry, featuring a series of presentations on themes related to national and international Happiness, Mental Health and Wellbeing. Hosted by Chris Croft, author of The Big Book of Happiness and introducing a number of internationally recognised speakers. Keynote Speaker: Sir Anthony Seldon, Author and founder of Action for Happiness Movement. Guest Speaker: Dr Paul Litchfield, Chair of What Works Centre for Wellbeing and a call to action by Lord Richard Layard, editor of 2020 World Happiness Report asking: “Can we be happier?”
In the evening, a Charity Music concert with an eclectic mix of mind-blowing music at St Peter’s Church, Bournemouth from 7.30pm. Tickets £10 on the door with a donation to Dorset Mind.
Sunday 19th April at various locations around the BCP region and at the Branksome Dean Community Rooms, a range of experiential activities and taster sessions related to happiness, mindfulness and wellbeing. Including a beach sunrise gathering, a forest bathing experience, meditation, pilates, laughter yoga, dragon boating, paddle boarding, exploring local wildlife, a cycling adventure and a nature tour round Brownsea Island. A whole host of activities that illustrate why the BCP region is one of the happiest and healthiest places to live in the UK.
Tickets are available now via Eventbrite.
For more details visit the website at https://www.world-happiness-project.com/conference
Gerry Clarke, World Happiness Project. Tel 07710 611123
Email: gerry@worldhappinessTVproject.org
New Year’s Resolution and preliminary announcement about HAPPY People-Places-Planet Conference
Last year, my new year’s resolution was to discover what really matters in life and how we can bring a bit more happiness into our lives. I discovered the Action For Happiness Ten Keys to Happier Living, which are often referred to as the GREAT DREAM:-
G is for GIVING – Do things for others
Helping others is not only a good thing to do, it also makes us happier and healthier too. Giving also connects us to others, creating stronger communities and helping to build a happier society. And it’s not all about money – we can also give our time, ideas and energy. So if you want to feel good, do good!
R is for RELATING – Connecting with people
People with strong and broad social relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Close relationships with family and friends provide love, meaning, support and increase our feelings of self worth. So taking action to strengthen our relationships and build connections is essential for our happiness.
E is for EXERCISING – Taking care of your body
Being active makes us happier as well as being good for our physical health. It instantly improves our mood and can even lift us out of a depression. We don’t all need to run marathons – there are simple things we can all do to be more active each day. We can boost our well-being by unplugging from technology, getting outside and making sure we get enough sleep!
A is for AWARENESS – Living life mindfully
Ever felt there must be more to life? Well good news, there is! We just need to stop and take notice the world around us. Learning to be more mindful can do wonders for our well-being in all areas of life – such as our walk to work, the way we eat, or our relationships with others. It helps us get in tune with our feelings and can stop us dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
T is for TRYING OUT – Keep learning new things
Learning affects our well-being in lots of positive ways. It exposes us to new ideas and helps us stay curious and engaged. It also gives us a sense of accomplishment and helps boost our self-confidence. There are many ways to learn new things – not just through formal qualifications. We can share a skill with friends, join a club, learn to sing, play a new sport and much more.
D is for DIRECTION – Have goals to look forward to
good about the future is important for our happiness. We need goals that
motivate us and these need to be challenging enough to excite us. Choosing
ambitious but realistic goals gives our lives direction and brings a sense of
accomplishment and satisfaction when we achieve them.
R is for RESILIENCE – Find ways to bounce back
of us have feelings of stress, loss, failure or trauma in our lives. But how we
respond to these has a big impact on our well-being. We often cannot choose
what happens to us, but we can choose our own attitude to what happens. In
practice it’s not always easy, but recent research shows that resilience, like
many other life skills, can be learned.
E Is for EMOTIONS – Focus on what’s good
Take a positive approach to life. Positive emotions – such as joy, gratitude and contentment are not just great at the time. Research shows that experiencing them creates an ‘upward spiral’, helping to build our resources. It helps to focus on the good aspects of any situation – a glass half full rather than the glass half empty.
A is for ACCEPTANCE – Be comfortable with who you are
No-one’s perfect. But so often we compare our insides to other people’s outsides. Dwelling on our flaws – what we’re not rather than what we’ve got – makes it much harder to be happy. Learning to accept ourselves, warts and all, and being kinder to ourselves when things go wrong, increases our enjoyment of life, our resilience and our well-being.
M is for MEANING – Be part of something bigger
People who have meaning and purpose in their lives are generally happier, feel more in control and get more out of what they do. They also experience less stress, anxiety and depression. But where do we find ‘meaning and purpose’? It’s not about money. It might be our religious faith, being a parent or doing a job that makes a difference. Individual answers vary, but they all involve being connected to something bigger than ourselves.
UK’s 1st National Happiness and Wellbeing Conference to be held in Bournemouth
Having practised these ten keys to a happier life over the twelve months, I decided to launch the UK’s first National Happiness and Wellbeing conference here in Dorset and have created an exciting partnership to hold a three day event at Bournemouth University from 17th to 19th April.
The HAPPY People-Places-Planet event is free and is aimed at members of the public as well as professional people working in the Healthcare, Education, Social Care, Public Service and Local Government sectors.
The idea behind the conference is to showcase examples of actions and interventions that can increase happiness and improve mental health and wellbeing in our local community and in the workplace. It will also highlight why the new BCP region is the happiest place to live in the UK.
A number of internationally recognised speakers will be giving presentations and talks related to Happiness, Mental Health and Wellbeing and there’ll also be a range of experiential activities and practical sessions for people to try out, including beach yoga, meditation, forest bathing, laughter therapy, mindfulness, wildlife and nature tours, etc.
A music concert will be held at St Peter’s Church on behalf of Dorset Mind mental health charity.
For more details visit the website at https://www.world-happiness-project.com/conference
950 words. First UK Serial Rights.
Gerry Clarke, World Happiness Project. Tel 07710 611123
Email: gerry@worldhappinessTVproject.org

Year End News Roundup – December 2019
Chris and I have made excellent progress over the past year and have been collaborating with various people and organisations in this country and around the world.
Earlier in the year we attended an Action for Happiness Exploring What Matters course and discovered the Ten keys to happier living. We went on to set up Dorset’s first Happy Café which has since grown and prospered and we now have a group of around three dozen people meeting regularly in a local café.
We were invited to attend the World Happiness Summit in Miami where we met some of the world’s leading experts in the science of happiness, positive psychology, wellbeing and mindfulness. This inspired us to launch an event in the UK and we have now created a new partnership with Bournemouth University to host the UK’s first happiness and wellbeing conference in April next year. The three day event is aimed at professionals working in Healthcare, Education, Social Care, Public Service and Local Government sectors and will showcase examples of ways of increasing happiness and improving mental health and wellbeing in UK society. A number of well-known speakers and international authors have agreed to join us and make a presentation. The dates are Friday 17th to Sunday 19th April and there will be a charity music concert on Saturday 19th April in aid of Dorset Mind.
Our global television project continues to gather momentum and we have now met with three different organisations and prepared a series of script treatments about what makes us happy and how to achieve happiness in life. We hope one of the programme outlines will soon get commissioned.
We are keen to explore opportunities for collaboration with any other individuals, companies and organisations interested in promoting the global happiness movement.